Electric Pickup Trucks Are Terrible Compared to the Regular Trucks That Men Drive
Many automotive industry analysts are afraid to address the elephant in the room when it comes to electric vehicles (EVs). Virtually no one wants...
OPED: Cannabis Legalization Is About More Than Smoking Weed for America
For decades now, most conservatives and even a few liberals have of the mindset that smoking marijuana was the worst thing a person could...
Air Force One Gremlin Strikes Again
On September 26th, the Air Force One Gremlin struck President Biden yet again. Reaching its arm up, it grabbed his ankle and prevented him...
Crime Is So Bad that Oakland Basically Shuts Down
The evidence of what a Democrat-led city and state look like is playing out right in front of us, and they aren’t pretty. As...
Ford Caught Supporting Chinese Communist Party Over American UAW
Despite enormous pressure from Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Ford is putting a pin in the construction of a $3.5 billion electric vehicle battery factory....
NY Governor Stacks the Deck for Presidential Primary
Gov. Kathy Hochul penned legislation on September 20th that was aimed directly at former President Trump in his reelection hopes.
She is scheduling the NY...
Ted Cruz Predicts WHO Will Be Dem Nominee?
We all know Joe Biden isn’t doing well, not physically, mentally, or in terms of likability. And that means the Democrats may have to...
Dem Rep Says Biden’s Prisoner Swap Doesn’t Pass the Smell Test
For those of us on the political right, we’ve known Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed for some time now. But one...
Illegals in NYC Setup Underground Economy
Following a year and a half’s worth of shuffling illegal immigrants away from southern border towns to New York City, and Democratic Mayor Eric...
Hollywood Actually Just Put Christ at the Center of a Christmas Film…
If you were raised in a Christian home as I was, it’s quite possible you grew up being read the story of Christmas as...