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lev radin / shutterstock.com

Buttigieg to Spend $100 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Fix EV Problem

As Biden’s Transportation Secretary, it should be no surprise that Pete Buttigieg is all for electric vehicles. Neither should it shock you that he’s...
AF Branco / Creators.com

Migrant Crisis in NYC Is Now Costing Americans – Adams Hacks at City’s Budget

The migrant crisis has been an inconvenience for New Yorkers -- the legal ones -- for a while now. However, Mayor Eric Adams is...
Owlie Productions / shutterstock.com

Police are Called on Biden’s Energy Secretary’s EV Caravan

We all know Biden and Co. are trying to convince us all that we need to drop fossil-fueled vehicles for those of the electric...
Brian A Jackson / shutterstock.com

Housing Market Poised To Sink at a Moment’s Notice

For years now, we have been worrying about the potential for the housing market to get even worse, and each year, it has continued...
Proxima Studio / shutterstock.com

MA Officials Want Child Abuse Charges for Denying Transgender Surgeries

The Massachusetts Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Youth has released its FY24 (1JUL2023-30JUN2024) 295-page report with frameworks for changing child...
Niamh Blanchard / shutterstock.com

Biden Now Confusing Age With Wisdom

President Joe Biden has been backed into a corner concerning his age and his mental capacity in recent months. While this has been previously...
grandbrothers / shutterstock.com

The Evidence is There to Impeach Biden, What Are They Waiting For? A Look...

Whether it’s incompetence in a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, knowingly covering up the origins of the COVID-19 virus and using is as a weapon...
Visuals6x / shutterstock.com

Liberal News Outlets Show Trump Co-Defendants’ Mugshots 188 Times in One Day, But That’s...

CNN and MSNBC have enthusiastically showcased the mugshots of individuals implicated alongside Donald Trump, presenting them as macabre trophies to captivate their viewers and...
Matt Gush / shutterstock.com

Pro-Life GOP Candidate: We’ve Got to Stop Demonizing Killing Babies

It’s pretty much a given that if you want to be taken a serious Republican or GOP contender, you have to be pro-life. However,...
EQRoy / shutterstock.com

American Airlines Fined for Essentially Keeping Passengers Hostage

Finally, a lengthy investigation into the delay and essentially imprisonment on the Tarmac that occurred on 43 flights between 2018 and 2021 is over....