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DANIEL CONSTANTE / shutterstock.com

Chinese Led TikTok Makes Yet Another Teenage Darwin Award Winner

Kids have been one of the biggest groups for the Darwin Awards. This prestigious award goes out to the people who thankfully have enough...
Niamh Blanchard / shutterstock.com

Sen. Blackburn Calls President Biden on the Carpet Over “Modern Day Slavery”

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has had enough of the sex trafficking and child labor pouring over the southern border under the Biden administration as...
Zorro Stock Images / shutterstock.com

Denver High School Closes after Three Teachers Died Suddenly

A Denver-area high school has temporarily closed its doors after three teachers died suddenly. Two of the teachers died within 24 hours of each...
Leonid Andronov / shutterstock.com

“Buffer Riding” in Sydney Being Driven Down Under

Train hopping has been a thing ever since tracks were first laid. People have always tried to save a buck, and that was a...
Amir Aziz / shutterstock.com

Newsom Predicts Trump/DeSantis Winner

With 2024 and its presidential election fast approaching, everyone is talking about a possible Donald Trump vs. Florida’s Ron DeSantis primary race. And while...
Rob Crandall / shutterstock.com

Clarence Thomas’s Ethics Violations: Completely Debunked!

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, much like former President Donald Trump, has always been the target of political hate, in particular, from the left...
danielfela / shutterstock.com

The Democrats Use the Donkey…That Should Tell You Everything

Let’s have a quick biology lesson. Donkeys are known as asses…and male donkeys are referred to as jackasses. It’s true. And yet, the Democratic Party has...