Trump’s Warning: Border Catastrophe Will Unleash Major Terror Strikes

Gary Varvel /
Gary Varvel /

In a scathing critique posted on Truth Social recently, former President Donald Trump sounded the alarm about the alarming state of the U.S.-Mexico border under President Joe Biden’s administration. With a pro-Republican tone, Trump declared that a subpar border deal is more detrimental than having no agreement at all, emphasizing the severe consequences of a lax approach to immigration reform.

Trump reminisced about the strength and security of the border during his tenure in the White House, contrasting it with what he deems a “catastrophe waiting to happen” today. Describing the current situation as the “worst” in history, he painted a grim picture of an “open wound in our once great country,” alleging that terrorists are infiltrating unchecked from around the world.

Unapologetically, Trump asserted that there is a “100 percent chance” of significant terror attacks on U.S. soil if the border situation persists, calling for urgent action to “CLOSE THE BORDER!” His concern is echoed in the latest data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), revealing a record-breaking 371,036 illegal alien encounters in December, surpassing the previous high of 341,392 in August 2023.

President Biden, however, has touted a bipartisan border deal still in the works, emphasizing the need for new emergency authority to shut down the border when overwhelmed. While some Senate Republicans support the deal, prominent figures like House Speaker Mike Johnson and Sen. Marsha Blackburn have expressed opposition. The contents of the deal remain shrouded in secrecy. Still, reports suggest it includes funding for Ukraine and Israel amid ongoing conflicts, with provisions allowing for the release of up to 5,000 illegal immigrants per day.

Ms. Blackburn staunchly rejected such terms, proclaiming, “I will not vote for anything that makes illegal legal.” She accused the Biden administration of attempting to normalize illegal immigration, emphasizing that negotiations around the border deal entail accepting the entry of thousands of individuals and closing the border periodically.

With a leaked draft exacerbating tensions, Johnson remarked that the deal would be “dead on arrival” in the lower chamber. Trump, who has made border security a focal point of his political agenda, continues to criticize the Biden administration for its handling of the immigration influx, urging Republicans to reject anything less than a “perfect” deal.

Critics, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, have questioned the need for new legislation, suggesting that an executive order requiring proof before granting asylum hearings would suffice. Musk accused the Biden administration of actively aiding illegal immigration, citing legal battles with Arizona and Texas over border security measures.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott remains undeterred in response to border fencing disputes, vowing to add more razor wire for enhanced security. Despite criticism, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) praised a Supreme Court ruling to remove Texas’ razor wire, emphasizing that immigration law enforcement is a federal responsibility.

Legislative actions have ensued in the wake of the border security feud. Sen. J.D. Vance introduced the State Border Security Act, prohibiting federal removal of state-installed border fencing within 25 miles of the southern border. A similar House bill, the RAZOR Act, was introduced by Rep. Mike Collins.

This bold legislation aimed to put the brakes on the federal government, including the beleaguered U.S. Border Patrol, preventing them from dismantling or altering state-constructed barriers strategically placed to thwart the surge of illegal immigration.

The genesis of the RAZOR Act was the Supreme Court’s disheartening decision on January 22, 2024, which upheld the Biden administration’s directive to the Border Patrol to dismantle razor wire installed by the state of Texas along the U.S.-Mexico border. This shocking 5-4 ruling sent shockwaves through the conservative ranks, as it seemingly endorsed the Biden administration’s America Last approach.

Rep. Collins, unapologetically voicing the frustrations of many Republicans, asserted, “President Biden is aiding and abetting illegal aliens who are swarming our border and raiding our country’s resources. Why else would he try to stop the state of Texas from turning them back to Mexico? With the Supreme Court siding with the America Last policies of the Biden administration, Congress must stand with Governor Greg Abbott as he fights for the sovereignty of his state and our nation.”

The barbed wire, initially erected by Texas law enforcement at the direction of Governor Greg Abbott, was a proactive measure to dissuade immigrants from attempting illegal entry into the United States. The state of Texas, recognizing the severity of the border crisis, took matters into its own hands to protect its citizens and uphold the rule of law.

As the RAZOR Act took center stage, it aimed to shield state-constructed barriers from federal interference within 25 miles of the southern border. The legislation, championed by Rep. Collins, was a resounding call to arms against the overreach of the federal government and a rallying cry for states to defend their territories against the unchecked influx of illegal immigrants.

The frustration emanating from the Republican camp was palpable, as the Biden administration’s policies seemingly undermined the efforts of states to secure their borders. The RAZOR Act became a beacon of resistance, symbolizing the resolve of Republicans to resist encroachment on states’ rights and safeguard the nation from the perils of uncontrolled immigration.

In a direct appeal, Trump urged states to deploy the National Guard to block illegal immigrants and remove those who manage to enter. As the debate over border security intensifies, the Republican stance remains steadfast in advocating for stringent measures to protect the nation’s borders and prevent potential security threats. The urgency of addressing the border crisis, as highlighted by Trump, underscores the need for a comprehensive and effective immigration reform deal that prioritizes national security.