There’s always something rewarding about seeing a criminal get what’s coming to them. It’s even more rewarding when their stupidity offers immediate results and consequences.
Take a 22-year-old man in Pennsylvania, for instance.
He recently thought it would be a good idea to steal a woman’s car from her at a gas station. She got out to pump, and while she was busy, he came up behind her, grabbed her, assumedly to get the keys from her, or maybe even force her into the car before taking it.
But what he must have had in mind didn’t go as planned.
Turns out, the woman he assaulted and attempted to steal from was not only a state prison sergeant, but she also carried a gun.
And so, when the young man grabbed her, she fought back – hard. And then, when he pulled his own gun on her, she returned fire.
As Chief Inspector Scott Small of the Philadelphia Police Department told WPVI, “The cameras clearly show the 35-year-old putting gas in her BMW when the male approaches her and grabs her, puts her in a bear hug from behind, and then there’s a physical altercation and they both pull weapons and they shoot each other.”
The woman was shot twice in the leg, according to reports. Her attacker was also shot twice, once in the leg and once in the lower back.
To be clear, both are now in the hospital recovering from their wounds and in stable condition, police say.
However, I’d bet my life savings that this attempted carjacking is really thinking twice about his line of work and/or life choices. Not only is he no doubt in a great deal of pain, but since things didn’t go as planned, there’s a long prison stay ahead of him, as he’s being charged with multiple felonies.
Wouldn’t it be something if he was put in the same prison where this sergeant works…