After weeks of threatening to hold FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt of Congress, the FBI finally allowed the House Oversight Committee to view a public, unclassified document called an FD-1023. The document was dated June 30, 2020, when it was originated. That was four months before the 2020 election. Former Attorney General Bill Barr and the entire FBI knew that this document contained whistleblower claims that Joe Biden had taken a $10 million bribe from Russia’s version of the CIA. It gets even more hilarious from there.
The FBI redacted the non-classified, public 1023 document before they would allow Oversight Committee Republicans to view it. They also forced the Members of Congress to view the document in a classified setting.
Fortunately, several Members of Congress had already seen the document in its full, unredacted glory, and the FBI cannot prevent them from talking about it. One of them was Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who dropped several bombshells about the 1023 on the Senate floor. He announced that Joe Biden had—according to the whistleblower cited in the 1023—taken a $10 million bribe from the co-founder of Burisma. He split the bribe 50/50 with his crackhead son Hunter.
Grassley also noted that the foreign national who bribed Joe Biden has 15 audio recordings of himself talking with Hunter Biden about the bribe, and two recordings of Joe Biden talking about the scheme.
“These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot,” said Grassley. “The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.”
The reason for the bribe was the infamous recording that everyone has probably seen by now, when Joe Biden got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. The prosecutor was looking into corruption at the Burisma gas company, which was paying Hunter Biden $80,000 a month to do nothing. When Biden was Obama’s vice president, he bragged on camera at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid to Ukraine, unless the prosecutor was fired. “Sonofa*****, he got fired!” Biden said.
This was a clear quid pro quo, unlike the phone call that got President Donald Trump impeached. House investigators say that the $10 million bribe showed up on Joe Biden’s tax returns in 2017.
Several House Republicans have announced that the Ukrainian oligarch who paid the bribe to Biden is Mykola Zlochevsky. In yet another twist, RedState reports that national security sources have known for years that Zlochevsky is actually a mole for Russia’s foreign intelligence service (SVR), which is that country’s version of the CIA.
Joe Biden got bribed the Russians! Kind of sheds a new light on why Joe Biden keeps throwing so much taxpayer money at that stupid, pointless, evil, unwinnable war in Ukraine, doesn’t it?
This is obviously a huge story, but it’s gotten no mainstream media coverage. The mainstream channels spent 291 minutes talking about Donald Trump’s indictment on fake classified documents charges this past week. They’ve spent zero seconds talking about Joe Biden taking bribe money from a Russian spy.
Bribery, for anyone who has forgotten, is the only specific impeachable crime named in the Constitution (the others are the vague “high crimes and misdemeanors”). Here is Senator Grassley talking about Joe Biden taking a $10 million bribe from a foreign national on the Senate floor a few days ago.