A Denver-area high school has temporarily closed its doors after three teachers died suddenly. Two of the teachers died within 24 hours of each other at Eaglecrest High School in Aurora, CO, which is a suburb of Denver. A third teacher died suddenly over the weekend.
The school shut down all classes and after-school activities on Wednesday, following the deaths of the first two teachers. The school district states that all three teachers died suddenly from “natural causes” and that their deaths were unrelated.
One of the teachers who tragically passed was 24-year-old Maddie Schmidt. The Arapahoe County Coroner’s office states that it appears she died from a case of meningitis or swelling of the brain. Teacher Judith Geoffrey also died, but no cause of death has been determined yet. The third teacher was a freshman baseball coach and PE teacher. No cause of death was listed for him, either.
How can the school district definitively state that these three deaths are unrelated when the cause of death isn’t even known in two of the cases? It must be some sort of medical mystery!
But it’s probably not a mystery. Whenever any of us see the words “died suddenly” in a headline, we all have a very strong suspicion of exactly what the cause of death was. Extraordinary numbers of people who are seemingly healthy and who have no history of medical problems are now “dying suddenly.”
Things didn’t use to be this way. Young and healthy people don’t die suddenly with this sort of frequency. At least, it didn’t happen prior to January 2021.
We know a possible cause of death of one of the teachers: meningitis. Is meningitis a known side effect of the you-know-what? As a matter of fact, it is. For people who are paying attention, what happened at this school is no mystery at all.