For Chaplain Scott Wilkos, service is second nature. A retiree from Durham County, North Carolina’s Fire Department, he chose to spend his 52nd birthday in his favorite place in the world – the passenger seat of a police cruiser – and specifically, with a friend of nearly a decade, Durham Police Officer J.T. Rose. Still serving as a volunteer with the Emergency Chaplins in Durham County, Wilkos has ridden there many times over the years.
Riding along as they do every time, they encountered but did not chase after a vehicle going by at over 100 mph. Still following along its path, the duo encountered it crashed at exit ramp15-501, near Cornwallis Road in Durham.
With Rose approaching the vehicle, the driver, 35-year-old Demario Holman, had already exited the vehicle and was quickly closing the gap and refusing commands. Rushing Rose, he was assaulting him, had overpowered him into a choke, and was going for his firearm. As luck would have it, the Chaplain is a practitioner of jiujitsu and has over a decade of experience.
Sprinting from the police car as if God himself shot him out, Wilkos approached and got Holman into a rear-naked choke of his own. Getting him off, Rose was able to subdue Holman. Once placed under arrest and asked why he wanted to avoid being arrested, Holman told the officers to check the car and figure it out.
Inside the wreck was a loaded rifle, two bags of marijuana, and two backs of a white powder.
All in all, Holman now faces a litany of charges.
- Assault on a law enforcement officer with serious injury
- Assault by strangulation
- Assault inflicting serious injury
- Possession of a firearm by a felon
- Possess weapon of mass destruction
- Felony possession of marijuana
- Felony flee to elude
- Carrying concealed gun
- Resist public officer
Thankfully, there were no massive injuries, with Officer Rose suffering a knee injury and Wilkos receiving a nasty bite to the hand from Holman. The suspect himself received a severe elbow laceration from the accident. He was very lucky to walk away; Holman was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of his accident.
Moments like this serve to show that someone is looking out for us. In this case, Officer Rose, fortunately, was the closest to the accident. God just happened to have placed one of his trained warriors with him and put him in a position to respond. This led Rose to say “Thank God he intervened quickly enough…I gotta stop letting you ride with me,” as the duo started laughing. Having those we need most the closest in our darkest moments is an example of Godly intervention.
Sadly, this is also a moment we never hear of happening in the liberal cities. Instead of allowing the striking hammer of God to defend the brave men and women in these rough streets, they want to send a psychologist. Someone who comes equipped with some cut-and-paste lines and maybe a small bottle of essential oils. An energy crystal, too, if the officer is lucky. These liberals are sending the wrong people to the wrong places.
Thank God North Carolina has the foresight to recognize the capabilities and to allow these brave volunteer Chaplains to ride around with officers frequently. From being on sight to help deliver horrible news in the event of a tragic incident, or simply to help bless the cars or badges of new officers, they are a crucial part of law enforcement. It’s not an easy job, and people like Chaplain Wilkos make being an officer that much easier.
Having someone like Chaplain Wilkos around is the key to ensuring you are on the right path both with God and with society. As conservatives, we must remind the liberals that we need people who are trained like this. Not just someone who quickly becomes just another victim.