With American health and childhood obesity worsening daily, it only makes sense to rethink some of our diet choices. But to ban flavored milk from school lunch programs? That’s what Biden and his cronies in the White House want to do.
According to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal, the Department of Agriculture is seriously considering banning all flavored milks in schools.
Nutritionists who have noticed the growing problem of childhood obesity, which often leads to serious health conditions later in life, say that such a move might help to eliminate a preference for sugary drinks early in life.
Now to be sure, childhood obesity in America is worse than it has ever been and worse than any other country in the world. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, nearly 20 percent of all American children are overweight and qualify as obese.
Clearly, this is a problem, and one schools should help diminish it if at all possible.
But to ban chocolate, strawberry, and other flavored milk in schools?
Yes, these do contain high levels of sugar, and it would be great if children didn’t prefer this over unflavored milk, which still contains sugar. However, as many school officials and nutritionists have pointed out, eliminating the sugary drinks might do more harm than good.
As Kate Wilson of Urban School Food Alliance noted, even the sugary milk options contain at least “nine essential nutrients” for children, including high calcium levels. Suddenly telling children they can’t have this might mean they don’t drink milk at all.
One nutritionist from Colorado admitted this was exactly what happened to her school when the idea was tried. “A significant amount of students didn’t take milk in general.”
So which is worse? That kids get a bit too much sugar or that they don’t get essential nutrients like calcium?