Kamala’s Big Promises Sound Like Biden’s Last Three Years Of Failures

Maxim Elramsisy / shutterstock.com

Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota spent an awful lot of time during Tuesday’s debate talking about what he and Kamala Harris are supposedly going to do on “day one” if the American people, along with their tech overlords, hand them the keys to the White House. It’s almost like they expect voters to forget Harris has already had her “day one” – nearly 1,400 days ago, to be exact. But hey, why start solving problems now when you can just keep promising things you should’ve done ages ago?

Senator J.D. Vance from Ohio put it best: if Kamala Harris really has a secret playbook to fix the middle class’s woes, why hasn’t she already done it? She’s the Vice President, after all – it’s not like she’s waiting tables at the local diner. Harris, who holds the second-highest office in the land, could’ve tackled these issues from the start. But here we are, listening to her ask for another promotion like she’s still campaigning for a job she’s held for over three years.

Vance nailed it: “If Kamala Harris has such great plans to address middle-class problems, she should be doing them now, not waiting for a promotion.” That’s the kicker, isn’t it? If she’s so committed to helping Americans, why are we still waiting for results? This isn’t her first rodeo—she’s been in office for over 1,400 days and hasn’t exactly blown us away with her accomplishments.

Let’s not forget, this is the same Kamala Harris who pulled the same stunt when running for Vice President. Back then, she was all about what she would do as VP, conveniently ignoring the fact that she was already a sitting senator who could’ve been doing all those things. Now, with illegal immigration running rampant, the American dream slipping further out of reach for hardworking families, grocery prices skyrocketing, and public safety in shambles, Harris still has the nerve to tell us what she will do if she gets a promotion. You’ve got to wonder what exactly she’s been doing since day one.

And let’s not give Joe Biden a pass here either. He’s the one who campaigned on promises rather than accomplishments back in 2020. The man couldn’t tout a single victory because, well, there wasn’t any to speak of unless you’re counting the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan or the ongoing crisis at the southern border. Biden was running on fumes then, and it seems Harris and Walz are just picking up where he left off. It’s like they’re reading straight from his “plans” playbook, recycling the same empty promises while ignoring the fact that they’ve had plenty of time to make a difference—and failed.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump and his team don’t need to rely on hypothetical “plans” because they have a solid record to back them up. As Vance pointed out during the debate, Trump’s economic blueprint isn’t just a plan; it’s a proven track record. Remember those years?

Higher take-home pay, lower inflation, affordable groceries, gas prices that didn’t make you cringe, and a southern border that wasn’t leaking like a sieve. It’s like a distant dream at this point.

Under Trump, we had real deterrence, a stronger national defense, and a genuine belief in the American dream. The middle class was happier, and the country was moving in the right direction. Compare that to the current administration’s mess—wars raging abroad, political violence at home, and a military that seems to have lost its edge. And what do Harris and Walz offer? More of the same vague promises they’ve already failed to deliver on.

Remember when Joe Biden was still the headliner in 2024? Back then, the choice was simple: we’d already seen both Biden and Trump in action. Voters didn’t have to imagine what life under either candidate would be like. They’d lived it. The question was whether America was better off under Trump or Biden. The answer was obvious to anyone paying attention.

Swapping Biden for Harris doesn’t change a thing. The Harris-Biden administration (because let’s face it, Biden’s mental sharpness isn’t fooling anyone) has been a disaster, and Harris is just as culpable. She’s spent years lying to the American public about Biden’s health, defending his deteriorating condition, and now she wants us to believe she’s the solution? Please.

As Vance closed the debate, he delivered the final blow: “She’s been the Vice President for three and a half years. Day one was 1,400 days ago, and her policies have made these problems worse.” You can’t argue with that.

So, when Kamala Harris and Tim Walz go on about all the things they’re going to do in the future, remember to look at their past. If this is what they’ve done with their first 1,400 days, can we really afford to give them another 100, let alone 1,500?