Harris Ignores Helene Victims, But Her Photo-Op Game Is Strong

Phil Mistry / shutterstock.com

Here we go again! Another natural disaster, another chance for Democrats to prove how disconnected they are from the people they claim to represent. In 2005, Kanye West famously accused President George W. Bush of not caring about black people after Hurricane Katrina.

And while that comment was outrageous, it ended up framing the entire media narrative against Bush. But let’s be real here: what really didn’t care about New Orleans? Local and state-level corruption. But of course, the media couldn’t resist blaming everything on Bush.

Fast forward to today, and we’ve got Hurricane Helene wreaking havoc across the southeastern United States. Yet, instead of action from our so-called leaders, we’re stuck with Kamala Harris pretending to “coordinate” disaster relief while scribbling notes on a blank piece of paper and Biden, well, taking his naps on the Delaware shore. Funny how no one’s accusing them of indifference, even though thousands of Americans are missing, and entire communities are underwater.

Let’s set the record straight. When Hurricane Katrina hit, the real problem wasn’t Bush’s response but the utter incompetence at the local level. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin—later convicted on corruption charges—failed to coordinate evacuations, emergency response, or anything remotely resembling leadership. But in the eyes of the media, Bush was the convenient scapegoat. They ran that infamous photo of him looking out of Air Force One as if he were daydreaming while New Orleans sank. They conveniently ignored the local failures and turned Katrina into Bush’s “moment.” That narrative paved the way for Democrats to dominate the 2006 midterms and cripple Bush’s presidency.

Now, if there’s any justice, what’s happening in North Carolina and Georgia post-Hurricane Helene should be Kamala Harris’ version of that “Katrina moment.” Her photo-op pretending to manage the crisis? Absurd. Earbuds not even plugged in, notes on a blank page—how more phony can you get? Meanwhile, Biden’s MIA as usual. His excuse for not being in Washington to manage the disaster? He spent “two hours on the phone” over the weekend. Two hours. That’s it. Two hours while people drown and starve.

Where’s the outrage? Why isn’t every military helicopter within 500 miles on its way to these devastated areas? Where’s FEMA? Where are the National Guard troops? Fort Bragg—oops, sorry, Fort “Liberty” thanks to the woke renaming brigade—could’ve easily mobilized assets to help these communities. But instead, it’s silence. Not a single word from Harris about the flooding. And what’s worse, it’s not just the disaster response that’s infuriating, it’s the fact that the victims of this catastrophe are predominantly poor, rural white folks from red states.

Seems like a convenient reason for Harris and Biden to stay on the sidelines, doesn’t it?

Now, remember back in 2005 when everyone screamed that Bush didn’t care about black people? Where are those same voices now? Why aren’t they saying Harris and Biden don’t care about white people? Could it be because the victims this time are from Appalachia, not a liberal urban center? Of course, the media’s not going to touch that narrative with a ten-foot pole. In fact, the only story you’re likely to hear from them is how Trump’s “politicizing” the disaster because he dared to show up and distribute supplies in Georgia. Oh, the horror! A former president doing something useful while the current administration naps through the crisis.

Trump even teamed up with Elon Musk to provide satellite internet to areas cut off from communication. But guess what? The media won’t give him any credit for that either. They’d rather focus on Harris’ staged photo-ops and Biden’s beach vacations. It’s all part of the same broken system where the only politics that matter are the ones that fit the narrative.

At the end of the day, the message from the Biden-Harris administration is clear: if you’re a Trump supporter from a red state, don’t expect much help when disaster strikes. You’re not part of their base, so why should they care? And believe me, they don’t. It’s politics at its ugliest, and the victims are the forgotten people of America—people who, just like after Katrina, are being left behind while the elite in Washington pretend everything is under control.

So yeah, call it what it is—Kamala’s “Katrina moment.” But unlike in 2005, don’t hold your breath waiting for the media to hold her accountable. We all know that’s not going to happen. Instead, they’ll keep focusing on the photo-ops, the distractions, and the empty platitudes while real Americans continue to suffer.