Elites Panic and Call for Censorship as TikTokers Translate Hitler’s Speeches into English

Mehaniq / shutterstock.com

One of the most hilarious things to come about with artificial intelligence (AI) innovations happening right now is all the ways that people are using it to freak out the elites. “Elon Musk’s AI must be banned and censored because it’s making cat memes about Springfield!” As people keep pushing the envelope with this weird new technology, which is likely going to be short-lived, the hysterics of the people who want to rule over us are getting increasingly funny. The latest example is TikTok users who are translating Adolph Hitler’s speeches into English with AI and posting them online.

Have you noticed that whenever Hitler is even mentioned, people’s brains just shut off? It’s weird that we even have to include a disclaimer like this in an article, but here goes.

We don’t support Hitler. He was one of history’s greatest villains. He was a bad dude. Okay?

So, why does everyone freak out and start censoring things when people try to learn about this historical figure who’s been dead for almost 80 years? TikTok, which prides itself on being a free speech platform that’s not under the control of the Democrat Party or the intelligence agencies here in America has taken down more than 1,000 user accounts and nuked them for posting AI-translated clips of Hitler’s speeches.

What good does censoring this stuff do? This is already backfiring on the elites. If you’re going to censor something and turn it into a forbidden fruit in this day and age, someone is going to thwart your efforts—even if it’s just to troll you.

What did Hitler say in his speeches? Can anyone answer that? More importantly, why are we not even allowed to answer that question?

For most people, their knowledge of Hitler is basically, “Austrian Man Bad. Holocaust! The End.”

If the elites cannot articulate why Hitler was bad or even what he said in his speeches, it guarantees that we will see another Hitler rise to power somewhere eventually.

The fact is that the world had a very different view of Hitler before World War II. Many people, including lots of Democrats here in the United States, admired him because he was a socialist. Time Magazine named him their “Man of the Year” in 1938.

Hitler was also democratically elected by the people of Germany under their parliamentary system. He was obviously saying something that appealed to the German people at that time. How about explaining to us what he was saying that was wrong, instead of bizarrely comparing Donald Trump to him?

Adolph Hitler was the head of the National Socialist (Nazi) party in Germany. Liberals in America and throughout Europe loved the socialism part of that equation. The reason why so many young people are suddenly enamored of Hitler, and his translated speeches are gaining millions of “Likes” on social media, is because of the nationalism.

Nationalism resonates in the hearts of all people. Leaders are supposed to love the people who they lead—the people of their own nation. Leaders who love their own countries are admirable for that, even if everything else about them is off. Hitler loved the German people. You could say a lot about Kamala Harris, but no one is ever going to accuse her of having love in her heart for the American people.

This is why so many globalists are freaking out about the Hitler speeches. They want us all to be one giant blob they can control instead of individual nations, with individual and unique cultures, cuisines, religions, and traditions.

Eat ze bugs. Live in ze pod. Own nothing and be happy. And don’t listen to the funny mustache man’s speeches.

So, go ahead, globalists. Censor the internet some more. Instead of trying to have an intellectual discussion about history, just censor everything you don’t like. If you want more Hitler speeches proliferating on social media, keep trying to censor silly stuff like this: