Hillary’s Dire Prediction: Social Media Freedom Could Spell Doom for Democrats

Maxim Elramsisy / shutterstock.com

About nine months ago, the Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal let slip at a fancy Davos gathering that the days of legacy media monopolizing the narrative are over. Translation? The elaborate schemes to misinform and manipulate the masses aren’t packing the same punch they used to.

Emma Tucker, the editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, shared her concerns about how the news industry has changed. In the past, they were the main source of information and had control over what facts were presented. Nowadays, people can find news from many different sources and are more likely to question what they hear.

“Questioning” is putting it mildly. Those high-flying Davos elites, along with their pals in the ever-expanding Censorship Blob’ of Washington, D.C., and Silicon Valley, have spent years dividing the nation and leading the public into endless foreign conflicts. At some point, the people have to shout, “Enough is enough!”—especially as inflation smothers everyday life and federal debt spirals out of control amidst a migrant crisis that’s turning the country upside down.

Fast-forward to late September, and the far-left elites, along with their mainstream media cheerleaders, are throwing a tantrum over Elon Musk’s “free speech” platform, X. Former presidential climate envoy John Kerry, feeling the heat, vented to fellow globalists at a World Economic Forum event in New York City during the UN General Assembly.

“Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win…the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” Kerry declared, clearly wishing for a magic wand to fix his woes. He continued, “It’s very hard to govern today.”

Meanwhile, 76-year-old Hillary Clinton has taken a page from the far-left playbook, telling CNN host Michael Smerconish that social media companies need to moderate content or “we lose total control.”

But let’s be real: when she says “we,” it’s not “We The People” she’s talking about. No, it’s the Democrats and their Censorship Blob, a delightful mix of federal officials, mainstream media, big tech, and so-called “fact-checkers” who have monopolized narrative control for ages. They’ve tried to convince Americans of everything from COVID-19 origins beginning in a Chinese seafood market to insisting that Hunter Biden’s laptop was just a Russian prank, all while downplaying inflation and pretending there’s no migrant crisis.

Clinton lamented, “We can look at the state of California, the state of New York, I think some other states have also taken action,” adding, “But we need national action, and sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children.”

In a pitch that would make any politician proud, she called for repealing Section 230 of the Communications Act, which protects social media platforms from being held liable for third-party content.

“We should be, in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave, you know, platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted,” Clinton continued, pushing for greater control over online discourse. She said, “if they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control.”

“It’s not just the social and psychological effects; it’s real life,” she warned, as if social media moderation were the new frontier of American democracy.

It’s no shocker that Clinton and her progressive pals have a disdain for free speech, a broader disdain for Western values, and are keen on open borders that welcome millions of illegal immigrants to solidify their one-party dream.

Just last month, Clinton suggested that anyone spreading “misinformation” should be criminally charged as a “better deterrence” ahead of the upcoming election.