COVID-Vaccinated Children Six Times as Likely to Die as the Unvaccinated /

A study published in the Springer Health Journal back in June failed to raise any eyebrows or cause any alarm despite proving that the COVID mRNA “vaccines” caused new-onset asthma among children between the ages of 5 and 18. People started to pay attention to the study a few months later because of a shocking statistic buried in its footnotes. Children who received the COVID jabs were an astonishing six times more likely to die than unvaccinated kids during the same period. Naturally, the CDC is ignoring this massive safety signal.

The study is titled “The association between COVID-19 vaccine/infection and new-onset asthma in children – based on the global TriNetX database.” They studied a huge cohort of children between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022. Incidentally, they found that 8.3% of vaccinated kids developed new-onset asthma, compared to only 3.1% of unvaccinated kids during the two years.

That’s a significant risk increase, but it pales in comparison to the data that was tucked away in supplementary table S2 in the study’s appendix. Out of 64,000 children who received the COVID mRNA jabs, 354 died within a year. That’s a death rate of about 6 out of every 1,000 kids.

Among the 320,000 unvaccinated kids in the database, only 309 died over the same period. That’s a rate of slightly less than 1 in 1,000 kids. According to CDC figures, it’s normal for about 1 out of every 1,000 adolescents to die in any normal year.

But the vaccinated kids died at an absolute death rate that was six times higher during the first two years of the COVID jabs. Is anyone going to pay attention to this safety signal at the CDC? (That’s a rhetorical question. Of course they won’t.)

Part of the difference is possibly accounted for by the massive fear campaign that public health officials used against the parents of kids with compromised immune systems. Former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH puppy torturer Anthony Fauci were on television every day terrifying the parents of children with diabetes and cancer.

They told these parents who were already rightfully worried about their children’s health that their kids would surely die if they caught the coronavirus. Sadly, many parents fell for this lie. It’s very clear from the way the mRNA shots weaken the human immune system that they were likely the main contributing factor in many child deaths. Fauci lied. Kids died.

During a swine flu outbreak in the US in 1976, a hastily constructed vaccine was rushed to market. Much like the COVID mRNA shots, the swine flu vaccine caused a huge increase in people developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome, or facial paralysis. Three people died of heart attacks immediately after receiving the swine flu vaccine in a Pennsylvania hospital. That was enough of a safety signal in those days for the government to shut the whole fiasco down and pull the swine flu vaccine from the market.

Today, the CDC is so corrupt and compromised that they ignore safety signals like a 6X increased likelihood of child deaths from the COVID shots. Not to mention all the people who have been sexually sterilized, blinded, paralyzed, or flat-out killed by the shots. At this point, nothing is going to grab the attention of public health officials until we start prosecuting and jailing them.

Fortunately, there’s a good chance of that happening if we elect Donald Trump in November. He’s likely to put Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in charge of reforming the CDC and the FDA. We’ll finally start to see some real change and justice for the vaccine victims when that happens.