Biden Admin Ready for a Nonexistent Monkeypox Crisis While Ignoring America’s Issues

Yalcin Sonat /
It looks like the Biden administration has found yet another crisis to “lead the world” on—this time, it’s monkeypox. In typical fashion, they’re holding roundtable meetings at the White House instead of addressing more immediate issues facing Americans, like inflation or border security. On Monday, the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy […]


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New Africa /
Here’s a bizarre one for the headlines: the guy who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump last Sunday also ha ...Read More

Suspect in Trump’s Second Assassination Attempt: Voted for Trump, Then Wrote a Book Begging Iran to Kill Him

Elnur /
Time Magazine is the latest publication to learn that blindly supporting a candidate can have embarrassing consequences.  One thing ...Read More

Time Magazine Forced to Issue Correction For Mislabeling Trump Claim as “False” 

While America doesn’t need another reason to distrust “Special Prosecutor” Jack Smith, here’s a new one.  Jack Smith refused to inve ...Read More

Jack Smith Refused to Investigate Reports of Illegals Voting in Elections 

Kevin Shipp /
When Americans enlist in the US Navy, they are signing up to make specific sacrifices for their country. Navy sailors face long depl ...Read More

Navy Chiefs Endangered National Security So They Could Watch Dumb Netflix Shows on Deployment

Shark9208888 /
With inflation cooling off faster than expected, the Federal Reserve’s policy has swung to the more restrictive side, raising concer ...Read More

Is the Fed Trying to Tank the Economy or Just Really Bad at Their Job?

Ryanzo W. Perez /
The House Foreign Affairs Committee just dropped a bombshell, and it’s not good news for anyone still clinging to the idea that this ...Read More

Biden’s Afghanistan Exit: $7 Billion in Gifts for the Taliban?

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Sheila Fitzgerald /
California Governor Gavin Newsom showed some fiscal restraint for once and vetoed a bill that would’ve handed illegal immigrants acc ...Read More

Miracle of Miracles: Newsom Actually Shows Fiscal Sense for Once

DC Studio /
Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO) is fed up with all the wishy-washy talk about China. So, he’s returning to a tried-and-true strategy fro ...Read More

China Laughs While We Play Diplomatic Charades

Fahroni /
Another day, another tragic headline—this time, a teenage girl in Indiana became the latest victim of our porous borders and failed ...Read More

When America’s Borders Fail, Your Small Town Isn’t Safe—Just Ask This Teen

Matic Stojs Lomovsek /
On Sunday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia is updating its nuclear policy due to what it believes is the ...Read More

Putin Widens Scope of Nuclear Weapons Use 

JazK2 /
Former Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just can’t stop cheering for a bill that would hand over taxpayer-funded loans to illegal ...Read More

Looks Like Your Taxes Will be Buying Dream Homes for Illegals
So, you thought all the border chaos was happening down south, did you? Well, surprise! The northern border is also breaking records ...Read More

Border Chaos Hits the North: How Canada Became the New Gateway


All of the trending news is right here, allowing you to dive deep into the news that matters. As always, Paint The News Red is dedicated to offering a right-leaning perspective, offering a breath of fresh air compared to the “other” news that is out there.

Screenshot Your ID, Democrats Think It Counts
Well, folks, here we go again with North Carolina’s Democrat-controlled election board trying to bend the rules to fit their own nar ...Read More

Eco-Warriors vs. A Billionaire Scorned: Spoiler Alert, Greenpeace Is Doomed

monticello /
Billionaire Kelcy Warren, the Texas mogul behind Energy Transfer, is closing in on what could be his crowning achievement: bankrupti ...Read More

Kamala Harris Wants Us to Forget the Past Because Her Record Is Full of Failures

Lev Radin /
Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t stumble over her words or veer into a stream of confusing tangents during her debate with former ...Read More

A Trump Victory May Depend On This Forgotten Voter Bloc 

Steve Sykes /
The Trump campaign and its supporters are focusing more than ever on reaching voters who don’t often vote in the seven key states th ...Read More

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