The Department of Defense (DOD) has been steering as far away from its actual mission as possible as of late. Their latest has been the dog and pony show the DOD has rolled out for Pride 2023. For the kids, they created a coloring book titled “Equality Without Exception — Pride In All Who Serve.”
While a nice tip of the cap to the kids with gay parents, they didn’t just stop there. Coordinating with numerous sub-agencies they planned to host activities like parades, and family story hour as they observe Pride month. DOD’s Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) is behind the creation of the book with other agencies promoting it.
DEOMI and the DOD as a whole have put a bigger target on Pride Month 2023 than they have in years past. With President Biden doing everything he could to roll the red carpet out for them, it’s not a huge shock to see the DOD and its entities going nuts too. While Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has previously attempted to downplay just how committed the DOD is to the Pride Month festivities, it is clear he’s being overruled.
Surprisingly, the coloring book seems to have been toned down. Featuring pages that are dedicated more towards the idea of kids practicing good manners, and thinking about the implications of their words, this is a surprisingly positive book. Taking away the overt and brazen sexuality that has come along with most of the LGBTQ performances was a brilliant idea.
The DOD and the DEOMI have been doing their best to put a good spin on this, and unlike President Biden’s time at the White House, they accomplished their mission of doing something that is family-friendly.