Remember St. Louis District Attorney Kim Gardner? She made national news as the DA who prosecuted the McCloskeys, a St. Louis couple who dared to defend their homes with firearms when a group of Black Lives Matter protesters broke into their neighborhood.
If that failure wasn’t bad enough, it seems she’s about to lose it all as her woke agenda continues.
It seems in the past few years that Gardner’s incompetence has only blossomed – no doubt due to the backing of those like anti-American billionaire George Soros, who helped her win her position.
In fact, one state judge just called her office a “rudderless ship of chaos.”
It happened on Thursday when Missouri Judge Michael Noble presided over a hearing in which Gardner’s office had once again failed to appear.
As Fox News reported, Noble said, “It appears that Ms. Gardner has complete indifference and a conscious disregard for the judicial process.” In particular, Noble took issue with the fact that several court dates have passed in which someone from Gardner’s office was supposed to be present. And yet, no one showed up at all on more than one occasion.
Naturally, this causes quite a problem for whatever the case is, as court dates then need to be rescheduled and such. Some cases have even had to be dismissed altogether and then refiled due to Gardner’s negligence.
One such case was supposed to take place that day, on Thursday. Gardner herself was supposed to be present for the hearing of Steven Vincent Jr., a man who was arrested after firing a firearm indiscriminately in an apartment building. One stray bullet managed to hit an 11-year-old child sitting in her room.
Gardner, as usual, didn’t show. However, she sent someone from her office, a circuit attorney named Rob Huq, who was so incompetent or unfamiliar with the case that he couldn’t even answer the simplest of questions about it in court.
And this wasn’t the first time Gardner’s office had dropped the ball on this case. Originally, it had a court date of April 10, which Gardner’s Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Desilets was supposed to attend. He never showed, so the date was pushed back to April 24, which he again missed.
This is by far not the only case where Gardner’s office has behaved in this way, seeming to completely disregard it and not care one whit for the outcome, something she is supposed to be committed to for the sake of justice alone.
Naturally, Judge Noble isn’t the only one not amused with her office right now. In fact, he’s not even the sole judge.
Judge Scott Millikan is also finding it hard to see Gardner or her office in a good light these days, as a number of cases assigned to him have also seen no-shows by her.
He wrote recently, “This conduct thwarts and defeats the authority of the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis.”
Hell, even Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is tired of Gardner’s negligence. He’s even filed paperwork to officially remove her from office. Of course, Gardner refuses to resign and go out with even the tiniest bit of dignity. According to her, all these criticisms are a “political witch hunt” and “voter suppression.”
But it’s not just a job she might soon be out of.
Judge Noble has ordered her to explain her behavior due to her ongoing negligence in the city’s courtrooms. If she can do so by May 30, she will likely remain in the clear.
However, Noble has promised to file contempt of court charges if she does not or cannot give evidence that defends her well enough. She could face a number of fines and even jail time.
I’m unsure if anything could convince me that what she’s doing isn’t purely wrong and inexcusable. But I’d sure like to see her try. And then fall right on her face…