
AF Branco /

Biden Won’t Abandon “Bidenomics” Campaign Despite Abysmal Polling 

President Joe Biden continues to cling to his failing “Bidenomics” campaign strategy, traveling the nation to explain what it means and how the policies...
file404 /

Illegals in NYC Setup Underground Economy

Following a year and a half’s worth of shuffling illegal immigrants away from southern border towns to New York City, and Democratic Mayor Eric...
Brian A Jackson /

Housing Market Poised To Sink at a Moment’s Notice

For years now, we have been worrying about the potential for the housing market to get even worse, and each year, it has continued...
letspicsit /

Kim Jong Un Apologizes for “Shortcoming” on Getting It Up, Vows Spy Satellite Will...

The Dear Leader of North Korea and his top lackey’s felt very ashamed after his latest attempt to get that spy satellite into orbit....
Everett Collection /

How Taylor Swift Could Prevent a Recession

By now, we all know that the US economy has seen better days. In fact, according to experts, it seems like a full-blown recession...
New Africa /

Insanity Point in Economy Reaches New Level

Unless you’re one of the one-percenters who have so much money you don’t need to pay attention to consumer prices for, well, anything, you...
Sergei Elagin /

Robinhood Doing What Wall Street Won’t With THIS Move

Ever since day trading and monitoring stocks 24 hours a day became one of the latest ways for investors across the nation to make...
Stokkete /

AI Proof Your Life With These Three Career Fields

With growing evidence that artificial intelligence (AI) will likely take over most jobs in the US and around the globe, many are worried about...