American Politics

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Texas Gov Tosses Another Log on the Fire for the Trump Train

Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) addressed the mayors of New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., on November 19th. Mincing no words, he is throwing the...
AF Branco /

House Dems Want Biden to Give Obama an Official Role

As you likely know, our Middle Eastern ally, Israel, is in the midst of an ongoing war with the terrorist group Hamas. And while...
Bannykh Alexey Vladimirovich /

Is KJP Facing Election Interference Scandal By Violating Hatch Act? Of Course Not! 

When President Joe Biden first coined the phrase “mega MAGA Republicans,” it was probably one of his famous verbal fumbles. But the phrase caught...
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Ted Cruz Predicts WHO Will Be Dem Nominee?

We all know Joe Biden isn’t doing well, not physically, mentally, or in terms of likability. And that means the Democrats may have to...
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Buttigieg to Spend $100 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Fix EV Problem

As Biden’s Transportation Secretary, it should be no surprise that Pete Buttigieg is all for electric vehicles. Neither should it shock you that he’s...
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MA Officials Want Child Abuse Charges for Denying Transgender Surgeries

The Massachusetts Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Youth has released its FY24 (1JUL2023-30JUN2024) 295-page report with frameworks for changing child...
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The Evidence is There to Impeach Biden, What Are They Waiting For? A Look...

Whether it’s incompetence in a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, knowingly covering up the origins of the COVID-19 virus and using is as a weapon...
Evan El-Amin /

Who Met with Biden Admin Just Before Indictments Levied

The political left would love for you to believe that they are justified in going after former President Donald Trump and that it has...
Gints Ivuskans /

Foreign Politician Says Biden Won’t be the Nominee…

By now, it should be no surprise that it’s not just Americans who think President Joe Biden won’t be around for the general election...
Fellers Photography /

The List of States Allowing Concealed Carry Without a Permit is Growing

Carrying a gun has always been a right as part of the Second Amendment. However, there are different ways to carry – concealed or...